Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Anti-bullying workshop for parents

Parents are invited to attend a FREE anti-bullying parent education workshop led by Greater Victoria School District teacher, Bénula Larsen, on Thursday, February 7th from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at our school (room to be announced). 

Participants of this event will learn about:

  • how to identify the signs of bullying;
  • how to bully proof your child;
  • what to do if you suspect your child is being bullied, and;
  • what you can do about cyber-bullying.

Snacks and child care will be available.

RSVP notices for this event have gone home in children's backpacks. Please fill out and return the bottom portion of this form and return to your child's teacher by February 1st.

If you have any questions about attending this PAC-hosted event, please e-mail the PAC at vicwestpac@gmail.com.