We all want our kids to have access to field trips, to get out of the classroom and experience new things with their classmates and teachers. One barrier to this happening is the lack of volunteer drivers. In the school newsletter this month, the following information was shared. The PAC felt it was important to reiterate this information. From what we have heard, there is only a handful of parents/caregivers who have completed this important paperwork.
It’s really quick, easy, and free! Please do it now!
From the School Administration:
New this year, ALL adults volunteering in schools are required to complete a criminal
record check. The process is simple and quick. You can apply online at http://justice.gov.bc.ca/eCRC/home.htm
Use our school’s access code : NPFWKLKFY8
Your CRC will be sent directly to the school.
Additionally if you are volunteering as a driver for students other than your own
child, you will need to complete a request for a driver’s abstract by following the link:
Once you receive your Driver’s abstract record, please bring a copy to the office.
We will keep a copy of your volunteer driver form, proof of insurance for your
vehicle (minimum $1,000,000 liability) and a copy of your Driver’s license with the
abstract. Only once we have all these documents will you be permitted to transport
students. Remember ALL adults, including staff, who intend to drive students need
to complete ALL this paperwork.
Thanks for your co–operation.