1: Introductions: (if any new members present)
2: Elections: Members at Large‐ Aaren Madden
3: Acceptance of the agenda
4: Principal’s Report
5: Executive Reports
1. Treasurer’s Report (Carolyn, Jen and Tracey)
2. Visioning Meeting‐ review (Mercedes and Coral)
6: Business/Action items arising from previous minutes:
1. Ball wall painting and Sutton Group visitation (Jaime)
2. Growth Plan sign off (Mercedes, Coral and Aaren)
3. PAC manual (Mercedes)
4. Entertainment Books (Jaime)
5. Fun Run review (Coral)
6. Recycling (Coral and Aaren)
7. Basketball Court repaving (Joe)
8. Refuse Program (Mercedes on behalf of Rachel)
7: New business:
1. Movie Night (Mercedes)
2. Scholastic Book Fair? (Mercedes)
3. Magazine Subscriptions (Debbie)
4. Halloween Event‐ teacher led? (Jana/Joe)
5. Communication/Branding (Mercedes)
6. VCPAC meetings – schedule and volunteer to attend meetings
7. New fundraisers/info from PAC email (Mercedes)
Item 1: Introductions
• 7 members present
Item 2: Elections:
• Aaren nominated as Members at Large by Mercedes Calvert
All in favor
Item 3: Acceptance of the agenda
• Mercedes will speak for the absent Vice‐Presidents, Debbie and Conan
• Treasurer’s Report will happen at the next meeting‐Carolyn and Tracey absent
Item 4: Principal Report
• The new Custodian will be notified of evening meetings to ensure the doors are unlocked
• Extracurricular activities are beginning next week:
‐ Knitting group
‐ Soccer: There will be a Jamboree at View Royal, organized by Caleb Kennedy, Daryl and Rachel Cooper
‐ Choir: with Mrs. D
‐ Cross country running: Amy Taggart will coordinate with Sir James Douglas at Topaz Park
• Jackie Kosh and the Leadership students will organize the Halloween fun in the gym (date TBD);
could use parent volunteers (email for more information)
• On Wednesday, October 31st the students can wear their costumes to class
• Parent Teacher conferences are happening on the 24th and 25th; it is important to remember that the children’s’ performance is compared to the curriculum not their peers. Parents should ask for concrete examples of ways that their child can improve so that they can help at home.
• Mr. Cardle looked into replacing the basketball court‐will cost $20‐30K. Possibility of making it a joint project with the City of Victoria. However, Joe believes the lower playground is a more urgent issue. In the meantime, Joe and Mercedes will see about having maintenance done so that it is not such a tripping hazard and eye sore.
• The school is conducting fire drills (duck & cover) as well as earthquake drills and then (later in the year) Lock Down drills.
Action items:
Once everything has been confirmed with the staff, Joe will send a notice to parents outlining the school’s emergency procedure.
PAC needs to go through the emergency supplies and replace food and water. Joe to coordinate this with PAC.
Item 5: Executive Reports
Visioning Meeting‐ review (Mercedes and Coral)
• 6 PAC members walked around the school and noted areas that needed improvement such as the murals, rain garden, basketball court and back playground.
• Possible initiatives: a Labyrinth, organizing a movie night in the basketball court and possible to put aside 10% of money brought in over the next 3 years to put towards playground. In addition, the PAC would like to partner more with the community centre and bring areas of concern to the attention of Joe Cardle and Facilities.
• We brainstormed ideas for a PAC set of values as well as project ideas that support these values.
Action item:
Once we have another Visioning Meeting, and clarify our mandate, then the Executive will open up the discussion to the broader school community (on the blog, fb, etc.) so that all of the parents’ opinions are considered.
Item 6: Business/Action items arising from previous minutes
Ball wall painting and Sutton Group visitation (Jaime)
• Hopes to paint the wall as soon as he has time.
Growth Plan sign off (Mercedes, Coral and Aaren)
PAC manual (Mercedes)
• Happening
Entertainment Books (Jaime)
• There will be a notice going home with the students. We only need to sell 24 more books to raise $1000 ($10/book).
Fun Run review (Coral)
A success! 26 children registered and had fun running for their school. Worth doing again next year.
Recycling (Coral and Aaren)
• Bottle drives will occur on November 16, January 11, March 22 (may be changed depending on Spring Break and holidays) and May 31st. We are trying to accumulate six bags so that Encorp will pick up from the school.
• Aaren and Heather have raised over $300 already this year by taking in scrap metal to Steel Pacific. The Pioneer Co‐op donated all of their metal.
Action items:
Coral and Aaren will consider delivering flyers to the community notifying neighbors of an upcoming Bottle Drive. People can then email the PAC to let us know if they need bottles picked up.
Aaren will ask Kate at the community center to advertise that we are accepting scrap metal at Steel Pacific to raise money.
Basketball Court repaving (Joe)
• Spoke on during Principal’s Report
Refuse Program (Mercedes on behalf of Rachel)
• Teachers need help educating students on the proper use of the recycling bins (remembering to wash out their containers, etc.)
Item 7: New business
Movie Night (Mercedes)
• Thursday, October 18th
• Need to have a District Employee present (Joe and Jana unavailable)
Movie Night Action items:
Jaime volunteered to attend (and bring his DVD player)
Mercedes will pick up the popcorn from Kernels
Coral will buy the juice boxes (~50)
Scholastic Book Fair (Mercedes on behalf of Crystal and Brianna)
• Running during Parent Teacher interviews
• Brianna Perry and Crystal will organize this year
Action item:
Coral will post the volunteer signup sheet on facebook
Magazine Subscriptions (Debbie)
• Debbie will update us at the next meeting
Halloween Event‐ teacher led? (Jana/Joe)
• Joe spoke on during Principal’s Report
• The Community Center offered us space to put on an activity during their Halloween Event on October 28th (1:00‐3:00 pm) for kids 9 years and under.
Action items:
Coral will organize and lead the event. Open to ideas!
Mercedes will talk to Shelley about preparing bookmarks to hand out to the kids from the school.
Communication/Branding (Mercedes)
• Would like to have a “PAC Corner” in every newsletter
• Also looking into a bulletin board outside or a letter board for the school to promote communication with parents.
• Making the most of facebook and the new PAC website to minimize printed handouts.
VCPAC meetings – schedule and volunteer to attend meetings
• Important for collaborating with other school and PACs as well as sharing fundraising ideas
Action item:
Amy Bronee offered to attend
New fundraisers/info from PAC email (Mercedes)
• PAC members went over items sent to the PAC email and disregarded them all.
Next meeting… Wednesday, November 14th, 6:30 ‐ 8:15pm.
Victoria West Elementary School Parent Advisory Council
October 10th 2012
General Meeting Minutes