Hey everyone,
At our upcoming meeting, our draft by-laws will be available again for review and discussion. These by-laws will guide your PAC in the future, and serve as a framework for what the PAC does for the students and families of Vic West Elementary.
Although our new by-laws are drafted based on standard by-laws provided by VCPAC, we have opportunities now to construct by-laws that are progressive and will serve our community well in the future.
A good example of this is how we will structure voting in the future.
OPTION 1. Each family unit including one or more students registered at Victoria West Elementary School shall have one (1) vote at a PAC General Meeting. Additional family members (beyond one (1)) attending the meeting, or additional students enrolled in the school (beyond one (1)), do not allow for additional votes for any family unit.
OPTION 2. Each voting member shall have one (1) vote at a PAC General Meeting.
The second option is the one in current use, but the VCPAC is hoping that as PAC’s move forward they will begin to change to option 2. We see this as a good opportunity to “future proof” our new by-laws. It is however a pretty big change, and we would love to have as many PAC members out as possible to discuss these possible new by-laws.
The full draft of the by-laws is in the “meetings” tab at the top of this page. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Paxton Grill
Chair – Vic West Elementary PAC