On Earth Day, April 22nd, Mrs. Stead and Mrs. Lienard/Mrs. Davey’s kindergarten classes from Vic West Elementary had their third walking field trip to the Banfield Park Orchard. The students planted their clay seed balls (watch to see what grows- it’s a surprise!), learned about the mason bees that have now taken up residence in the orchard, and marvelled at how quickly the tiny seeds of clover (that the students planted last visit) have now grown. It is a clover takeover! The clover adds nitrogen to the soil, thus making it richer and more vibrant. There are many blossoms on the fruit trees and if you watch the mason bee homes, you can see them coming in and out, doing their daily business. It was a beautiful, sunny day of learning.
The Optimist Club of Victoria – Bike Bonanza!
Recently, Principal Dick and the VW PAC created a partnership with the Optimist Club of Victoria.
The Optimist Club has a bike program. They receive donated bikes from various sources, fix them up, buy helmets to go with them and then donate them to students and families who will put them to good use! George Jay Elementary School has been a recipient of this program for years. As of 2014, we are now also the lucky recipients of this generous bike program.
An extra special thank you to Optimist Bob, who fixes all of the bikes himself, and came by to drop off the bikes last week.
Look for the Optimist Club catering truck at our annual June Fun Fair on Wednesday June 25th. They have volunteered to cook up and serve hot dogs at this fun event!
Make sure to give them a wave and a thank you!
VCPAC Awards Nominations
Do you know a teacher/parent/administrator/student who you would like to formally recognize for their contributions to our schools and communities?
The VCPAC (Victoria Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils) is holding its annual awards ceremony at the next VCPAC meeting on May 27th at the Spectrum Community School Library.
There are 9 different awards, in varying categories. The nomination form is on the website. Nominations are due by MAY 3rd.
Click here for more details:
VCPAC Awards Nomination Information