1. Introductions: (if any new members present)
2. Acceptance of the agenda
3. Kate Longpre‐ Vic West Community Centre
4. Principal’s Report
5. Executive Reports
a. Treasurer’s Report (Carolyn)
b. President report (Coral‐ on behalf of Mercedes)
c. VCPAC report (Amy)
6. Business/Action items arising from previous minutes:
a. Entertainment Book Fundraiser – update on final amount fundraised amount (Jaime)
b. Scholastic Book Fair review (Jana)
c. Earthquake Kit‐ review? (Jana/Conan)
d. Ball Wall update/ Rain Garden Update (Aaren)
7. New business
a. Executive Meeting Schedule (Coral)
b. Christmas Concert‐ PAC taking donations (Mercedes)
c. Thank you for Noreen Nash (for her donations for Holiday Sale)
Item 1: Introductions (if any new members present)
• 10 members present including Diane McNally – School Trustee
Item 2: Acceptance of the agenda
• Diane McNally added after Executive Reports
• Joe and Kate will deliver their information together
Agenda accepted
Item3: Kate Longpre & Joe Cardle ‐ Manager, Victoria West Community Center & Principal, Vic West Elementary
New Anti‐Bullying initiative by the District (see here:
• Important to define what bullying is and is not.
• Grant money has been made available and so our school is partnering with the community center with some anti‐bullying activities to educate people about sharing, caring and building a safe community. Hoping to include businesses, First Nations, politicians, police, etc.
• Tentatively scheduled for late February (Feb. 27th is Anti‐Bullying Day)
• Pink shirts for a week (1000 pink shirts and window decals will be ordered) Demonstrates that we are a “community of kindness.” Shirts will be sold for $1.00 which will go towards a rally at the community center.
• Parent volunteers will be needed
PAC committed to help
• Kim Thorson, owner of Ross Bay preschool is collecting hampers for our school, which will be distributed by the Administration. Coverage by Chek TV.
Action items:
- Joe will bring the topic up at January’s PAC meeting once he knows better what support he needs.
- Amy should feature Kim Thorson on our blog (also Thank You card?).
Item 4: Executive Reports
a. Treasurer’s Report (Carolyn’s email read by Amy Bronee in Carolyn’s absence)
• $7287.14 in General Account (the cheque for the entertainment books has not yet been cashed ‐ $1700)
• $237.59 in Gaming Account
• Still not received the quote for the message board. I will follow that up this week.
• Emailed the TD bank manager requesting a meeting in January for corporate fundraising ideas.
Action item:
- Carolyn will update PAC once she hears back re: message board and corporate fundraising.
b. President’s Report (Mercedes’ note read by Coral Forbes in Mercedes’ absence)
• BCTF presentations have been booked. Anti‐bullying workshop will be Feb 7th, 2013. Raising Confident Boys and Girls will be April 11, 2013. Both workshops are being provided, free of charge, by the BCTF. The presenter is Benula Larsen. Each workshop is approximately one hour long.
• Monthly Exec Meetings‐ It was agreed by the exec that regular monthly executive meetings would be helpful. Proposal to have them the week before (on the Wednesday) the regular PAC meeting. Thoughts? Vote?
Outcome: Yes! Wednesday January 2nd…where?
• Louise Alvarez ‐ I spoke with Louise about her request for scrapbook money and informed her that we have a policy that her consumables are spent before she asks for more money. She was agreeable to this and will request again in the spring.
• Patti Parkhouse had asked the PAC and the school if we were interested in providing a letter of support for the Banfield Orchard. Approved by exec‐ letter was written (thank you Carolyn!) and provided to Patti. Joe also wrote a letter of support. Patti very appreciative of the school and PAC’s support.
• Media Contact List has been created and distributed to the PAC exec (but available to anyone who wants it) for promotion of PAC events/request etc.
• VCPAC Conference in Feb 2013 ‐ it has been confirmed that our PAC will receive two free tickets to the VCPAC conference in Feb. If there are more than two of us who want to go, we should consider sponsoring the others, as parent education is important. Please note: I (Mercedes!) want to go!!
• Bulletin Board ‐ I started the Bulletin Board take over (Shelley made up the PAC sign and I covered it in blue). I haven’t been able to make it look more fun/fancy yet, but that is coming and I am open to (and welcome) help/suggestions etc!
• Christmas Concert‐ need help with collecting cans of food and donations for Mustard Seed (maybe a couple of people to be there before concert starts‐ 5:45 or so?). We will also need some big (but not too big that we can’t carry if they are full of cans) boxes, gift wrapped to look nice for the concert.
• Met with Lisa Helps re: 4 way stop in front of the school. Lisa is talking with the city traffic people.
Action items:
- Margaret will wrap up boxes for Mustard Seed collection and talk to Shelley to clarify the rules of the sale (4 items per child).
- Amy will call BBBS to see if they will pick up the left over items if George Jay doesn’t want them.
c. VCPAC Report & Communications (Amy Bronee)
• VCPAC meeting was on Nov. 27th at Braefoot Elem.
• Conference happening on Feb. 23rd at Spectrum and will cost $70 before Feb. 1st and $90 after.
• Colquitz Middle School wants an increase to the playground budget and will be sending a letter to the District. Cloverdale to follow. The letter will be arriving shortly for us to review and then possibly send in support.
• Wifi research is continuing and then will be sent off for an “internal process” in Jan. & Feb.
• The French Advisory Committee is recruiting (would like to include parents from the English stream)—anyone interested?
• Talked about self‐regulation and how it links with Restitution (and Aaren’s labyrinth idea)
• The PAC webpage has had 738 page views (2300 since inception) with the most popular posts being about Constable Matt and the student’s art.
• Please let Amy know if you have any ideas for blog posts.
Action items:
- PAC members that would like to attend the VCPAC Conference should let Mercedes know ASAP
- Mercedes review and possibly send letter in support of increased budget for playground equipment
- Amy to feature the Arbutus Singers on the blog (choir)
- Next year, have Christmas Sale sooner (not so close to concert)—request from Jana
Item 5: Diane McNally
• Thinks that self regulation will help with the “screen time” that is being promoted by the District
• Jan. 7th is the Tolmie Board Office Meeting – everyone is welcome (Mercedes has the 2013/2014 budget meeting schedule, so please see her for more information)
• On Feb. 1st there will be a provincial funding announcement – will be asking for school boards to pay for 1.3% of the teachers’ pensions. Meeting on Feb. 6th to discuss.
Item 6: Business/Action items arising from previous minutes:
a. Entertainment Book Fundraiser – update on final amount fundraised amount (Jaime)
• $1000 made
• Jaime will lead the campaign again next year. Thinks that it is worthwhile. Would appreciate parent help.
b. Scholastic Book Fair review (Jana)
• Went well. Chooses products rather than funds. Examples: novel sets for library, carpets and books for teachers, etc.
c. Earthquake Kit‐ review? (Jana/Conan)
• Health and Safety Committee is on hold while 3 members are away
Action item:
- Conan and Mercedes need to talk to the Executive about the next steps with regards to the classroom earthquake Kits Required Replacement Inventory given to us by Joe (see attached pdf).
d. Ball Wall update/ Rain Garden Update (Aaren)
• Andrew Dick and Jackie Kosh will work with the grade fours and fives to paint the wall so that it is colorful and functional
• General Paints will provide paint and a deal on supplies
• Erin McTaggart, a Student Teacher in the Grade 3 class, will teach a lesson on plant growth in the rain garden in February.
Action item:
- Aaren to post our need for tools and gloves on Used Victoria, Leadership Victoria. Approach Dockside Green and Van City for sponsorship? Aaren also to ask Jana for Brenda Cook’s contact information as she was very supportive of the Rain Garden and may be available to help (previous Admin Assistant at the school)
Item 7: New business
a. Executive Meeting Schedule (Coral) – done (see President’s Report b.)
b. Christmas Concert‐ PAC taking donations (Mercedes) – done (see above)
c. Thank you for Noreen Nash (for her donations for Holiday Sale)
Action item:
- Mercedes and Margaret will thank Noreen Nash.