P.a.c. meeting Sept 15- CANCELLED
Tuesday Sept 22– Welcome Back Zoom
Time- t.b.a. Likely 7:30 p.m.
What? As in person events like our traditional welcome back bbq are not possible this year, we will be hosting a zoom meet up for parents, with a brief introduction from the school administrative team, and synopsis of what the p.a.c. is looking for this year. Primarily, this is an opportunity to get to know a few other parents in your child’s grade. The host will ask participants to rename themselves with their kid’s grade/s then divide them into small chat groups based on grade.
Tuesday Sept 29 AGM Election Zoom
This will be a live election using zoom poll, to fill executive posts.
All parents or caregivers of children at Vic West elementary are members of the p.a.c. and may submit one vote per family group. In addition we can discuss fund raising suggestions for the coming year, and parents can pose more general questions as well. Agenda items may be submitted to vicwestpac@gmail.com
Tuesday Oct 13 P.A.C. Meeting Zoom
Time- 7:30-9 email vicwestpac@gmail.com for zoom link
Primary focus- set the budget for the year