We like to keep you up-to-date on what happens at your PAC meetings, whether you are able to make it out or not. Here are the minutes from our meeting on Wednesday, September 12th.
Victoria West Elementary School Parent Advisory Committee
September 12th 2012 General Meeting Minutes
1: Introductions & overview of PAC
2: Elections: secretary
3: Acceptance of the agenda
4: Kate Longpre‐ Vic West Community Centre
5: Principal Report
6. Rachel Cooper: Recycling program (added at meeting)
7: Executive Reports
8: Business/Action items arising from previous minutes.
9: New business: Recycling
Item 1: Introductions:
• Mercedes Calvert – PAC president
• Carolyn Morris ‐ Treasurer
• Debbie/Conan ‐ Vice‐presidents
• Jes Cross – Secretary (absent and no longer available to attend meetings)
Members at large:
• 19 members present
What is the Parent Advisory Council?
1. To promote communication, involvement and belonging between the school, families and
2. To provide supplementary resources to the school through fund‐raising.
3. To provide a forum for discussion, presentation, recommendations, goal‐setting and visioning.
Also important to forge a relationship with the Teachers of the school.
Item 2: Elections: secretary
• Coral Forbes nominated by Mercedes Calvert
Outcome: Coral Forbes Secretary ‐ all in favor
Item 3: Acceptance of the agenda
Outcome: Rachel Cooper added, agenda accepted
Item 4: Kate Longpre‐ Vic West Community Centre
• Kate is the Manager at the Vic West Community Center
• She is offering a new preschool program as well as out of school care with the Boys & Girls Club
• Good Food Boxes can now be picked up at the community center every 2 weeks
• Corn Roast this Sunday 12‐4pm (where there “may be” a Flash Mob!) and Open House 9‐4pm (includes a screening of the documentary “Brain to Being”)
• Shaw exo wifi and computer station now available
• Check out the Fall program guide
• Looking forward to working closely with the PAC and school
Item 5: Principal Report
• School Growth Plan has been completed and needs approval from a Teacher as well as three PAC members and then will be posted on the website
• PAC meetings must end at 8:15pm so that the Janitor can lock the building
• Number of students last year was 173, this year we have 186 students
• Appreciates the parents’ patience during the first week of school. It was touch and go as to whether we would receive a new teacher.
• The school will have a Learning Assistant for an additional 40% this year. But there will be 7 less Educational Assistants because of the funding formula based on the children’s designations. To ensure that every child is supported, the administration is hoping to increase the number of working hours for the EAs but not necessarily the number of staff.
• There will be some upcoming changes to the educational system based on how children learn.
• The reputation of Vic West Elementary is changing for the better. Mr. Cardle asks the teachers, “In what way can you impact your students?” and to the kids, “How are you going to make your school the best?”
Action item: Mercedes, Coral & Aaren to sign off on School Growth Plan
Item 6: Rachel Cooper: School Meal Assistant/Lunch Lady
• Will be heading up a new recycling program at the school including plastics, compostables, etc.
• Needs staff support, Green Team of students (possibly Lunch Monitors with helpers), and parents to help educate the children
• Will provide posters, can the PAC provide incentives for the students that help?
Action item: PAC will fund appropriate rewards for Green Team
Item 7: Executive Reports
Visioning meeting in early October (Mercedes)
• Need to think about where we are going as a school (roadmap)
• Prepare a Wish List in case money is donated
• October 3rd proposed as Visioning meeting date (location TBA)
• Details will be posted on our website www.vicwestpac.com and facebook and there will be an open invitation to parents who are interested in attending (would like a parent email list)
• Once ideas have been formed, we will connect with Teachers and Administration for input
Treasurer’s Report (Carolyn, Jen and Tracey):
Gaming Account – Balance, 12‐Sep‐12, $ 4,933.42
General Account – Balance, 12‐Sep‐12, ‐$133.62 *
Balance – 12‐Sep‐12, $4,799.80
Estimated Commitments as of Sept. 1st, 2012:
Books for Library
Class Field Trips ($300 per classroom)
Consumables ($100 per classroom)
Restitution Workshops &t Resource Library
Arts and Culture ($1000/year)
Fish Tank ($300/year)
*Negative amount result of deposit in wrong account, will be remedied by next statement.
• We will be receiving the gaming grant at the end of the month (~$20/student)
• PAC discussed whether to keep these commitments or make changes….
Outcome: PAC will continue to pay for the above commitments ‐ all in favor
Action item: President will give a letter to the Teachers explaining that we will provide the Consumables amount now but will wait for the grant to be deposited before giving out the fieldtrip money. We would also appreciate knowing where the kids went for their fieldtrips.
Review upcoming Events/Fundraisers ‐ Volunteers to sign up
• Return It Recycling (all year) – Aaren and Coral (juice boxes & bottles) bi‐weekly removal of juice boxes & Bottle Drives; Rachel (recyclables other than returnables)
• Scrap Metal Drive (all year) – Aaren could use volunteers with trucks during the “Drive”. The Steel Pacific account is still open.
• Thrifty’s Smile Cards (all year) – Conan: account will be open again. We made ~$300 last year.
• Entertainment Books (September) Jaime, Mercedes, Heather, Riley and Rhiannon will help this Friday
• Scholastic Book Fairs (October & April) – Riley and Rhiannon will speak with Crystal
• Movie Nights (October/March) – Mercedes will look after the October Movie Night (date TBA)
(Other events will be covered at October’s meeting)
Item 8: Business/Action items arising from previous minutes:
Ball wall painting and Sutton Group visitation
Action Item: Jamie will pick a date to paint the ball wall and ask for volunteers. Teachers will be asked to assist with teaching the kids the games. Perhaps a “PAC Challenge”?
Year end event review (Tracey)
• The 2012 Year End Event cost ~$800 and ~$850 was collected
PAC manual (Mercedes)
• Conan and Mercedes will compile the documents into Google Doc (or Dropbox?)
Fun Run (Coral)
• Have enough kids to get the school name on the race shirts
• Excited to have our school represented at the Victoria Marathon
Basketball court repaving (Conan)
• Paul Valentine Memorial fund
Action item: Mr. Cardle will speak to the District and collect quotes
Item 9: New business:
Recycling (Coral and Aaren)
‐ The bottles and juice boxes will be collected and returned by Aaren & Coral this year.
Volunteers with trucks would be appreciated.
Action item: Call depot regarding pick up from school
Next meeting…Wednesday, October 10th, 2012 6:30‐8:15pm.